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日期:2022年09月21日 17:12


Regulations on the Management of Training Laboratoryof International College


In order to standardize the management oftraining laboratory of internationalcollege and provide a good teaching environment for teachers and students, this regulation is formulated.

第一条 国际学院实验实训室是教学专用场所,一般不得用于其他活动。

Traininglaboratory is a special place for teaching and shall not be used for other activities.


Keep thelab clean. Food and drink are strictly prohibited to enter lab, andlitteris not allowed to be discarded anywhere.


Obey the management andarrangement of the teacher, and take seats in an orderly manner as required.Do not shout loudly in the corridor and thelab.


Keep thelab neat. After class, the desks and chairs shall be restored. Donot move themoutof the labat will.

第五条 爱惜实验实训室公共财产。不得在墙壁上涂写、刻画、张贴。

Cherish the public property of thelab. It is not allowed to write, carve or post on the walls.

第六条 爱惜实验实训室设备。不得擅自拆装实验实训室计算机等设备。实验实训室内专用设备未经管理员许可,不得随意外借,不可擅自取出或带走,不可移作他用。

Cherish the laboratory equipment. It is not allowed to disassemble and install the computer and other equipment without authorization. Without the permission of the administrator, the special equipment shall not be lent, takenaway or used for other purposes.

第七条 注意用电安全,节约用电。最后离开教室的应关闭空调、灯光等,并检查门窗关闭情况。

Pay attention to electricity safety and save electricity. The last to leave thelab should turn off air conditioning, lights, etc., and check the doors andwindows.

第八条 注意消防安全。不得在实验实训室内吸烟,严禁携带易燃易爆物品进入实验实训室。

Pay attention to fire safety. Smoking is not allowed in the lab and inflammable and explosive materials are strictly prohibited to enter the lab.

第九条 注意财产安全。保管好个人物品,如有遗失,责任自负。

Pay attention to property safety. Take good care of your personal belongings, or you are responsible for loss.


After use, please fill inthe Laboratory Use Log as required.

第十一条 国际学院实验实训室管理监督电话:61638012。

Themanagement and supervision telephone ofInternational College Training Laboratory: 61638012.




Oct. 2021